To celebrate the opening day of World Cup 2010 - it's a big deal in my household - let's check out the World Cup logo and look back at previous logos. Some of these made me laugh out loud. Enjoy:

2010 - South Africa
Nice colors and movement but what happened to scalability? There's way too much going on.

2006 - Germany
This "world cup" sure looks like a fun place to send the kids in the summer!

2002 - Korea/Japan
I'm not sure if this trophy-like logo was designed for 2002 and is now a required element (see 2006 and 2010) or if this was a designers way of taking a required element and making it the main focus. Either way, I like it. I get a sense of the global nature of the competition, that it is a competition, and that it involves sports. Not bad.

1998 - France
I really like the concept behind this one but I'm not sure I love it's final outcome. I think the land mass is kind of messy-looking and the thick border on the ball is too heavy. Still, what a cool way to show how important soccer is around the world.

1994 - USA
I will admit that I didn't even know we hosted the world cup in '94. That being said, this is a pretty US-centric design but I appreciate it's simplicity and scalability. Too bad it didn't succeed in turning Americans into major soccer fans. Sorry about that. (also, the typography at the top makes my eyes hurt)

1990 - Italy
Speaking of making my eyes hurt... eek!

1986 - Mexico
When you consider that this was the mid 80's it really could have been worse! I appreciate the typography and the globe imagery but why on earth are they covered in distracting horizontal lines?

1982 - Spain
Simple and straightforward graphic but the type makes me nauseous. Seriously, I gag a little when I look at it for too long.

1978 - Argentina
I kind of adore this one. Maybe I'm in a retro mood but I love the abstract lines that act like hands holding the ball (wouldn't it be more effective with just the one blue line on each side? I get that they're referencing the flag but I still think it would work better my way). It also looks like a trophy of course. I'm a sucker for simple and abstract, what can I say?